Thursday, October 3, 2013

Social Media Parenting

Social Media Parenting; posting pictures of kid(s) you rarely see-on days you haven't- thus creating the illusion you see them/care for them and socialize with your children often. Obviously social media parenting is the exact same as the actual term "parenting". Reference your favorite dictionary or thesaurus- even Wikipedia will back up my theory as shown here- "Parenting (or child rearing) is the process of promoting and supporting the physical, emotional,**social**, and intellectual development of a child from infancy to adulthood. Parenting refers to the aspects of raising a child aside from the biological relationship."
 See? It says "social" right there. I can't make this shit up. Being social with your child(ren) obviously means via social media. I mean its 2013 for gawsh sakes. Get with the program people!
Social Media Parenting is Bull Shit. Plain and simple. Here's a thought: get up off your arse, get active, call your child(ren) set up a play date, and go! That does not mean cancel because the Steelers are playing the Raiders tonight,  it's a Football game- ever heard of Tivo?!
Once you break a promise with your child, they will not trust you. So don't promise them your coming to spend the day them, then cancel because you're going to watch the game with the guys, while posting pictures of your child(ren) like plans never got canceled. I'll bet you got tons of Likes and comments on that picture didn't you?  Truth is?? Just because you posted that picture from 3 months ago you took on your cellphone,  after you canceled plans yet once again, your child will not "Like" it. What's more important, Social Media Parenting? Getting Atta boys and "Likes"?  Or hands on Parenting resulting in a lifetime of unconditional love, while being the Super hero in that little ones eyes. Hmmm.
Could be a tough decision for some.
It's a no contest for me. Screw using Social Media to act like a parent. I am a hands on parent ALL the time.

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