Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Parenting 101

Being a parent is privilege, not a right. You take that privilege for granted and your privilege could be taken away. Not by an outsider, but by your own children. So parent wisely, love them with all your might, and for God sakes protect them and make them your number one priority. If you don't someone else will.
I have seen and know of several children whose parents take them for granted.They come and go as they please, not really caring if they spend time with them or not. Maybe they call maybe they dont. Maybe they see them every few months, maybe they dont. And when these estranged parents do show up they expect the ones caring for the kids to drop everything and go running to let them in. That's hard to do when the estranged parents are always putting them off to go party, spend time with their next trick, or even hang out with their buddys at the bar.
Maybe its not the parent keeping the estranged parent away. Maybe its the children. Once the children have grown up, or even matured, they will understand who took care of them, helped with homework, took them to the park, had a family night and watched movies all evening. Children will know who loves them, who sacraficed for them, feeds them, and dried their tears. The person who did those things could be anyone. A maternal and paternal parent, a foster parent, parents who have adopted them, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers or sisters, the next door neighbor, pastor at church, and yes, even a teacher.  The kids know. The older they get the less they will care about those who didnt have an honest hand in raising them. That's when uninvolved parents will loose their privileges within a child's heart.  I will keep my privileges. And I wi work hard, and sacrifice any all things to stay in my children's hearts, to raise them properly, love them unconditionally,  hold them, play with them and teach them. I know full and well I don't have a right to them. I'm privileged to have them. ‪

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