Saturday, July 4, 2015

Ulta and Cosmetics Review

I'll start by saying I've always used Avon Cosmetics. I love Avon. But. My skin is changing. My hormones are off the charts d/t a recent miscarriage, and well, its causing my face to breakout with cystic acne. (Not Avon, the miscarriage) I look like a 12 year old going through puberty right now... And I'm 32 years young.

The first time I went into Ulta I was not impressed to say the very least. I felt the prices were ridiculous. But let's face it- My products come from Avon which is far more affordable- unfortunately I need a skincare change. My daughter and I were checking out different hair care products, and ended up purchasing some hairspray and leave in conditioner by Garnier. I'll admit it, I was concerned if I ventured over to the cosmetics section I'd have a stroke over prices, so we paid and left.

Yesterday, the kids needed new shoes. Yup. You guessed it. The shoe store is right next to Ulta. So after a gruelling hour in the shoe store, I mean anxiety ridden "Don't touch that", and "No!!! I am not purchasing you 50 pair of flats, I am not a millionaire" meltdowns, we made our way from the store. (Thank God that's over.) Ulta. Right there. Shining brightly with women scurrying in and out of all ages. So. I sucked it up and went inside for round two. Yes. With 2 kids ages 4 and 9. I totally did that. Surely they can go through the anguish of mommy looking at makeup after that insane trip to the shoe store. Right?!

Once inside I went straight to the cosmetic side of the store. All of the makeup brand labels were clearly marked on the shelves and walls. I found SmashBox cosmetics- I've heard great things about SmashBox. A beauty consultant came over to assist me, unfortunately my brain is mush, and I cannot remember her name. She was tall, curvy, glasses, brunette, well put together, young (20 maybe?), and her skin? How the hell does she have such beautiful flawless fair skin!!? What is she doing I'm not?! **Jealous**
I begin asking her a series of questions about SmashBox cosmetics which she answered honestly and professionally. We settled on the SmashBox Color correcting face primer. It's green. But OK. Next I gave her some background about my current situation, hormones causing cystic acne, and skin changes. I explained I needed a light weight foundation with SPF that won't clog my pores in my shade- medium to full coverage, that will last and not melt off when I'm doing a bazillion chest compressions or pulling someone from the wreckage of a car. I mean, I need to look good doing it, not a hot mess.  She wasn't grossed out by what I was telling her (She's gaining my trust now). She recommended a foundation she uses, and said she also has some issues with cystic acne, and this is all she's used for 8 months. (Score!!) She brought over a CC+ plus cream by It cosmetics in fair and light. She asked if she could remove my current foundation and apply a sample of the CC+ foundation. What?! You want to what?!! I explained I had the kids and that probably wouldn't be a wise decision. Oh. But I was soooo wrong!! She motioned for another consultant to come over, and said "Can you show them what stickers we have while I change her foundation?" The consultant agreed with a smile on her face and took them an isle over. (UMM.. WOW?) My consultant should be 21 So I can buy her a beer as a reward. She took off my foundation, applied a mystery moisturizer from clinique, smashbox color correcting primer and the CC+ foundation. (The kids have moved on from getting colorful temp tattoos applied to their arms to showing off their new shoes to their new found in store sitter) I turned towards the mirror and... Well...  My new foundation matched my skin. I ran my fingers over my face. Hmm. It's not to dry. It's not oily. And there's more. It has actually reduced the redness around my new found painfully red and swollen under the skin monsters. Reduced the redness by at least 50%. Only one sentence followed-  "Wow." The beautiful consultant went over and brought back the full size brand spanking new CC+ full coverage foundation. So my next stroke inducing question comes next "How much is it?" She replied "Well, it is expensive, but I love it, and it has everything you're looking for. It is absolutely my favorite, and I think you will love it. It's $39."  WHAT?!!! For a CC cream?!! She can't be serious!!! I looked back in the mirror, ran my fingers across my face again... Let out a HUGE sigh... And shocked myself at what flew out of my mouth "I'll take it." (I completely stunned myself). "While we are at it I'd also like to try something comparable to the Glimmersticks eyeliner by Avon. Hell. Let's go all out." I knew she wouldn't disappoint. She took me straight over to a display of Laura Geller (who?) Eye crayons. She took out her samples and began drawing lines across her hand. My favorite was the Copper penny shade. Sparkling and beautiful. "How much?" She replied "$16." I say "Holy shit". Yep. Real classy, I know. But the color is beautiful. Once more I stun myself and say "I'll take it." What the hell is wrong with me?! Sheesh!!!

I thanked her for her help, and the kids and I began making our way to the register. And I see this display of mascara. Hmmm. May as well. I just picked up this $24 box of Liner, mascara, and eye makeup remover called They're Real by Benefit and said, rather loudly, "Why the hell not".
We walk up to the cash register to pay. And Ohhhh-emmmm-geeee!!! The total price!? Holy hellz bells.  I swipe my debit card and leave. "I work hard", I tell myself, "I deserve something nice." Pffft. Yea right. Then laugh at myself.  (Hormones)

I work night shift now, so several hours later I left for work wearking the same It CC+ cream my beautiful Ulta consultant applied. We ran ALL NIGHT, one ambulance call after the next.

The CC+ cream lasted then ENTIRE shift. I still looked fresh. How cool is that!? 

Before shift today I applied the cometics.

 First I applied the clinique sample of moisturizer the consultant gave me. Unfortunately I do not know what the actual name of it is. I loved the feel of putting it on, it absobs quickly and smells fresh- not overwhelming. 

Next I applied the SmashBox primer in color correcting adjust. It has minimal fragrance, and it does not absorb quickly. It has a silky feel, and goes on smooth.  I  had to rub it in a bit more, Ill use less next time.  I do not see any color correcting benefits. I'm still pretty red around my little giant monsters on my face (cystic acne) However, because I had to wait a minute for it to absorb, I did notice a slight blur of my freckles. 

Next I applied the It CC+ color correcting full coverage cream and anti aging serum with SPF of 50+. I love that it has anti aging, color correction, AND SPF 50. I wouldn't give it full coverage though.  I'd say more of a medium coverage, goes on and blends easily, and I'm STILL impressed with the result of color correction. Still a good 50-60% coverage of the red monsters.  (Thank you Jesus!!) I did not notice a fragrance. I'm also impressed that its not super heavy- given its got SPF 50 plus all that other stuff. I figured it would be been heavier and hard to blend into my super fair frecked skin (Ginger problems). So that is also a huge plus. 

Next I used the Laura Geller eye crayon in coper penny. I covered my eye lid then fanned it out with my fingers. Still beautiful and sparkling, definitely smooth a creamy.  Maybe a bit too creamy. I am also not used to using eye crayons. So maybe its normal? It looks as wonderful on my lids as it did on the consultants hand. The color pigment is great. 

Now. Nothing on this earth can compare to my glimmersticks eyeliner by Avon. Nothing. It is hands down the best I've ever used.  I'm going to give this They're Real Gel liner a chance though. I pop off the lid and.. Its a soft rubberish like slanted tip. The directions say to twist the top until the gel liner emerges. I go to apply it- unsure if I'm doing it right, and I'm pleased with how easily it transfers to my lash line. It would appear you can use it one way for for a thin line, and another for a thicker more pronounced look. I stuck to the thin line- after all I work EMS night shift. I'm not going out on the town with my husband.  It looks nice. Probably a scosh dark for my fair skin.  Easily applies.  No fragrance noted.  The real question will be if it lasts through my shift or runs.  

Last I apply the They're Real mascara.  Good separation. Short bristles. Definitely appears to lengthen... I apply 2 coats with ease, note no clumping. So far no flaking either.  Again, the real test will be if it lasts throughout my shift without running or flaking.

Overall, my favorite of the products purchased is the It CC+ Cream full coverage foundation.  It is worth the money? We shall see.  

My first Ulta experience was utter shock. 

My second Ulta experience was surprising, in a good way. I am absolutely thrilled with the service we received there. Not just the sweet in store sitter (consultant) who could see mommy just needed a few minutes, but the consultant that helped me was amazing. Constantly smiling, beautiful skin, not pushy, professional, knowledgeable, put together, and friendly. She listened to me.  That was huge. Ulta made the correct decision hiring her. 

I'll be back because of the service we received. I may not be purchasing as much of a haul next time. I mean, I'm not rich. -Candi-