Monday, October 20, 2014

Emergencies, Bullying, and other EMS insight

So, I don't usually post things about calls we run at work. And for good reason-
1. Privacy for the patient.
2. Sharing what we see and treat- the gore, the yuckyness, the WTF's and "you called 911 for that?!"
3. Most people don't understand the stress, sadness, pain, moments of sheer terror, or even the comedic type of a calls we deal with on a shift to shift basis. Much less the dark EMS  humor we use to get us through it. We didn't know we were coming to work to hold someone's dad's hand while they peacefully die. But it happens. We don't know what trauma we might endure that day, or if the reaper will win this shift. Our job is the unknown. From tone drop to tone drop.
So why would I share that with you? I wouldn't. With that being said, I would like to share something with parents, siblings, grandparents, public service workers, and teachers. Anyone in a position to care for another family member or child, or themselves- YOUR loved ones. So let's get serious.
1. Bullying. Bullying is a terrible and often times horrific and fearful time for those on the receiving end. Please, if a child or adult expresses they are being bullied for what ever reason- money, how they look, how they dress, speech impediments, MR, disfigurement, grades, weight, or whatever the case may be- PLEASE step in and help that person. Put a stop to the torment these bullys are causing. Bullying leads to depression, and often times self mutilation and suicide. Bullies bully anyone. Not just children. So take a stand. Recognize the symptoms of depression. And especially with children- parents please make yourself aware of the dangers associated with bullying and the negative impact it has your children- who will most likely carry it through to adult hood and have feelings of decreased self worth.
Bullys- STOP. Find out why you bully others. It's probably a deflection or an outlet for what you're going through. Get help. Reach out, and STOP making others feel as if they are not worthy or "good enough". Go to counseling or talk with a confidant. You don't want to be the cause for that person you bullied to commit suicide do you? Because it will be your fault- and you will have to live with your actions for rest of your life.

2. Alzheimers/Dementia care givers and family members- please put a system in place to KNOW if your loved one has wandered out into the night. Get door alarms. When that door opens at 3 am and the alarm sounds- you'll know someone is trying to get out/in. Often times Alzheimers/Dementia patients try to get out, succeed, and forget where home is, and even who they are, and who their families are. So now you have a wandering loved one, scared and alone, with no understanding of what's going on around them. Please take all necessary precautions. We understand things happen, we understand you can't be on top of them 100% of the time, and you need sleep and away time. But try to implement some sort of plan to alert you, or have them wear a medic alert bracelet or necklace with their name, condition, address or phone number engraved into it. It would be extremely helpful to EMS and neighbors to find the correct home or family to notify.

3. Address- is your house or mailbox properly numbered? Did your address change d/t the 911 system revamping addresses so we can find you easier? It is very important to make sure your address is up to date and clearly marked. Especially when you call 911 and seconds matter the most. Check it out. Make sure we can clearly see it from the road.

4. Learn- take a basic first aid class and CPR class. So when you've got grandma out shopping, and she falls or goes into cardiac arrest- YOU can save her life, and provide medical care to her in her time of need while you await EMS arrival. Again seconds are critical. Do you have babies? Are planning a family? CPR is essential for you to learn. So is first aid and how to dislodge that penny or piece of candy your tiny tot picked up and popped in their mouth. After all toddlers are like tiny vacuum cleaners. If it's on the floor, you can bet your arse they are going to taste it. This goes along with household cleaners and prescription or OTC drugs. Looks like juice or candy to a toddler. Do you have them put away, out of reach, and secured away from their wandering and investigative hands and mouths? Do you have poison controls phone number posted or saved in your cellphone? No? JUST DO IT. Trust me on this.

5. Recognize signs and symptoms of stroke or heart attacks. Call for help IMMEDIATELY. Again, time is critical. I can without a doubt guarantee it.

6. DO NOT TIE UP 911 w/bogus calls. You have a cold? Call your PCP. Anything that can wait until you can see your physician is NOT an emergency. Please don't take valuable resources away from those who ARE in dire need of help. You're constipated X 1 day, and want an ambulance ride to town? We ask you to move 4 perfectly running cars from the driveway so we can wheel you out in a gurney? Come on. Seriously? Riding in an ambulance for non emergent situations will not get you in and out of the hospital faster. I can pretty much guarantee that too.

7. You called for us. You needed help. Please do not verbally assault us upon our arrival to help you. Do not be rude, condescending or violent. We are unarmed. We do not intend to hurt you. We have your best interest at heart. We surely don't get paid enough to say we are in it for the money. I can guarantee that too. We do what we do, for you. To help you.

8. Can I cough in your face? Can I leave my mouth uncovered, lean towards you, and cough AND sneeze in your face? No? Then DO NOT DO IT TO US. have some manners and common courtesy. Otherwise, if you're on my rig, I'll introduce you to an N95 mask. You get a mask, I get a mask, Everybody gets a mask!

9. Neck checks. Really? Need I say more?

10. Mayo clinic or other online medical diagnosis website- that mole you've had since you were born? Hasn't killed you yet. It probably won't kill you now. That rash you got after cutting the grass in the blazing heat? It's Probably NOT The measeles, shingles, or flesh eating disease. Self diagnosing online leads lots of people to think they are dying RIGHT NOW. Even though 5 minutes ago you were dancing and prancing around your house. Suddenly you're symptomatic. That mole or birth mark is surely gonna open up and swallow you whole.... OMG!! CALL 911!!! or.... don't. You will probably live.

Thank you for reading this incredibly long social media post. I'm not angry, or trying to inflict emotional harm or make life difficult for you. I'm just educating you on behalf of- well, myself. So, before you call 911 for shortness of breath? Put out that cigarette or take that home oxygen cannula off your nose before you blow up yourself and first responders. Take a stand against bullying, educate yourself, and know the difference between cutting off a limb, and a simple abrasion. You call, you need help, we will come to your rescue. Every time, regardless of your ailments. You knowing the difference between an emergency and a non emergency, can save someone else's life.
#EMS  #Bullying #FirstResponders #Parenting